Naming my baby ain

Home Forums Question and Answer Naming my baby ain

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Dee 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #124855 Reply


    Assalamualikum… I’m expecting a baby girl very soon.. I wanted to know whether I can name her only Ain as her surname will be Saifulla. Also I have found very different meanings of Ain.. such as spring water, source and eye… Does Ain mean “evil eye” as I saw it mentioned in many teachings. And is the correct English spelling of the name Ain or A’yn???

  • #124856 Reply



    Can anyone tell me the meaning of Rafeef or Rafif. I Just want to double confirm since I found a lot of meaning. If dont mind, Please share the arabic spelling for rafeef/rafif as well.

    Thank you

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