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#123578 Reply

rajib chowdhury

No, not necessary if it do not contradiction with Islam.
For instance Allah have 99 names which represent Allah’s beauty, you can not use those word for naming your children. Because those only belong to Allah.

You can not use a name which implicitly indicating shirk. For instance you should not use name like : ‘God, Lord, Almighty,al-Rahmaan (the Most Merciful), ‘
Because only Allah is almighty and Allah is God.

Names which imply worship of or submission to anything other than Allaah.
‘Abd al-Ameer (slave of the prince) this name is forbidden
‘Abd al-Nabi (“slave of the Prophet”) is forbidden

Names of idols and false gods which are worshipped instead of Allaah, such as naming someone after a devil and so on.

Islam should be in your heart and should be your in daily practice. Prophet asked to use meaningful name for person

So it depends.
if your name means little king. I think there is no contradiction with Islam