
Home Forums Question and Answer Laraib

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  adil javed 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #120600 Reply


    As-Salaamalaikum, I noticed that the name Laraib is not mentioned at all, but many other sites do list and as mentioned in the quran. I have seen it both as a women’s name and a man’s name. Any reason why this isn’t included? Thank you.


  • #126009 Reply


    Is Laraib name can we keep for baby

  • #129352 Reply

    adil javed

    start reading the quran and its strarted from alif laam meem and then zalik al kitab o LARAIB fe huddalil muttaqeeen…..

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