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Salaam..I want to name my baby Yasin but it is not in ur list of names. Is there any particular reason? Is it not a quranic name? Please share some information


This is an official answer by Staff
Yasin or Yaseen is a Quranic name. It is the name of a chapter of the Quran and also the first word in that chapter. The meaning of the word is not known, it is simply made of two letters in Arabic: yaa and seen.
Some scholars, such as Ibn al-Qayyim, do not recommend using this name since generally using names of chapters of the Quran is not recommended. But it is not forbidden, therefore you can use it if you like.

Thank u for your informative reply. My husband wants to name our baby 'yaseen'. Besides being the name of a quranic chapter it is also one of the names of the Prophet(PBUH). Please give some information on using the Prophet(PBUH)'s names and whether we should add 'mohammed' before yaseen. Thank very much.

There is no issue with using names of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah upon him, as is clear from the fact that Muhammad is the most common Muslim boy name. There is no need to put "Muhammad" before "Yaseen".
The reason some people say it is a name of the Prophet is that it is at the start of a chapter of the Quran, which can seem like it is a call from Allah to the Prophet: "Yaseen, these are the verses of the Conclusive Book, ..". This same thinking is used to say that Taha is one of the names of the Prophet, since a chapter of the Quran (20) starts with it.
If you use Yaseen as a name of the Prophet, then there is no issue with.
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Reader Comments:

  1. on Saturday 29th of September 2018 06:56:05 AM

    So may I use yaseen as my sons name
    Also is it a prophet name

  2. on Monday 8th of October 2018 08:19:48 AM

    Please reply soon
    Is it permitable for me to name my baby boy yaseen
    Please reply

  3. on Tuesday 8th of September 2020 12:58:55 AM

    Alhamdulillah. I’d like to thank Allah because a man named “Muhyiddin Yassin” became our nation Malaysia’s 8th Prime Minister since 1 March 2020! He’s very kind and generous, and we like him so much!!!

  4. on Wednesday 24th of March 2021 06:23:59 AM

    Yasseen is one the variants of the names of Prophet Elias (Elijah) pbuh. He is referred to in the Qur’an as both ElYasseen and Elyas and according to Tafsir ibn Kathir Yas and Yasseen, without the El preceding it, are all known variants.

  5. on Monday 16th of August 2021 11:03:30 PM

    I named my son Mohammad Yassin ,with the different spelling,I just like to ask ,was it wrong in Islam.before this i’didn’t check the right spelling of this u.

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