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What does the name Esther mean in Arabic?

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 15th of April 2019 10:57:36 AM

    Write your comment is the meaning of esther in islam

  2. on Thursday 14th of April 2022 08:38:22 PM

    Esther is a Christian name,if u want to change it to Muslim name

  3. on Wednesday 21st of September 2022 09:08:33 PM

    Esther is a name,if I want to change it to Muslim name

  4. on Monday 21st of November 2022 04:13:10 PM

    Esther is very much not a Christian name, but y’all already steal everything from Jews, so why not another biblical name. <3

  5. on Monday 30th of January 2023 03:07:20 PM

    My first name is Esther, I actually have a double name: Esther-Maryam. I am a Muslim. My father is a Muslim, my mother is Christian. Esther is a very old Persian name. It is definitely not a Christian name. You can also look at it as an old Jewish name. I live in Germany and people here sometimes honestly think, my name is a straight German name! Well, like Zarah, right ..some websites tell you that Esther is an Persian/ Arabic name- this is wrong indeed. But it’s not Christian, and it comes from Persia, referring to the old name “Ishtar” or “star” “Queen of light bringers”. I wonder if I should change it into a fully clear Arabic name that doesn’t make people wonder anymore. Star in Arabic would mean something like ” Nayima”, doesn’t it??

  6. on Tuesday 21st of March 2023 09:51:14 PM

    I know Muslims, Christians and Jews named Esther. People who sometimes will not agree on anything will at least agree that Esther is a beautiful name.
    Enjoy life Esthers.

  7. on Wednesday 25th of October 2023 04:49:44 AM

    A theologian speaking here, studied religions , took islamology when i was in college, my big family is muslim from my mother’s family ( at age 18YO my muslim mom got visited by Jesus Christ during her Ramadhan 30 days).. Esther is INDEED BIBLICAL NAME % as Esther is My Baptist name, my birth name DINAH (THE Jacob’s Daighter) both are Jewish & Christian names… Churches around the world use Esther for Baptist name for sure … Jesus Christ is Not Isa Alamasih (as Muhammad corrupted Divine stuff from Isa, and Muhammad made his own version to replace the divine factors of Jesus in Isa version name of Muhammad, so Isa is Not Jesus, even we sing Arabic Gospel we dont use Isa, but Yesue as Jesus Christ )

  8. on Tuesday 5th of December 2023 03:47:06 PM

    Write your cof u want to change it to Muslim namemment here…Esther is a n
    ame ,if I

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