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A Quranic Name for Boys

Meaning: Guide, Guided and Guidance | Wise, Wisdom and Decisiveness

Racheyde is variant of Rashid and has the exact same meaning and pronunciation (see below for full meaning). You can use either Racheyde or Rashid, both are correct and acceptable. If you like this variant more and you'd like to pronounce it the way it is spelled (different than the original name), this is perfectly acceptable. For more details please see the main entry at: Rashid.

Full Meaning of Racheyde

Racheyde is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means well-guided, wise, mature. Is derived from the R-Sh-D root which is used in many places in the Quran and is the root for Allah’s name of al-Rasheed.

and know that the Messenger of God is among you. If he were to obey you in many things, you would suffer for it. However, God has endeared the faith to you, and beautified it in your hearts, and has made denial of the truth, wickedness, and disobedience hateful to you. People such as these are rightly guided. (Quran 49:7)

The believing man said, “My people, follow me and I shall show you the right guidance… (Quran 40:38)

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Categories: Variants of Islamic Names
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