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Can I name my baby girl injila? Is injila an islamic and quranic name.?


This is an official answer by Staff

Injila is the way some people write the Greek name Angela in Arabic, which means "angel". It is not an Islamic or Quranic name, and it is not a recommended name because the scholars dislike using the word "angel" as a name. However, it is not prohibited, and you can use it if you really want to.

Injila can also be the feminine form of Injil, which refers to the holy book of the Christians, known as the Gospels in English. This meaning is disliked as well, because the great scholar Ibn al-Qayyim says that Muslims should not use any name that refers to the Quran, including the word "Quran" itself, and since Injil refers to another holy book sent down by Allah, the same ruling may apply to it. We do not know this for certain, but as a precaution, it is best to avoid this name. Note that it is not prohibited, and if someone already has this name, they don't need to change it.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Sunday 11th of March 2018 01:57:51 PM

    Write your comment here…injila means The BIBLE, so Qur’an point to the Bible.

  2. on Friday 22nd of November 2019 07:00:34 PM

    Idk my name is malak wich is “angela”idk if its a muslim name hopefully it is

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Categories: Baby Name Question and Answer
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