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What is the meaning of Linta?

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Thursday 26th of November 2015 09:04:53 AM

    Linta means “Soft” and mentioned directly in Quran in Surah Al-e-Imran Verse 159 [3:159]

  2. on Friday 6th of September 2019 08:38:08 AM

    Somebody says that this is grammatically not correct

  3. on Friday 14th of February 2020 08:01:46 AM

    linta means soft hearted i know this because it is my name

  4. on Sunday 3rd of May 2020 12:38:51 AM

    Linta means “Soft” Or “Gentle” and mentioned directly in Quran in Surah Al-e-Imran Verse 159 [3:159:5]

    The verse says: فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِنَ اللَّهِ لِنْتَ لَهُمْ
    Translation: It was thanks to Allah’s mercy that you were gentle to them.

  5. on Sunday 3rd of May 2020 12:45:38 AM

    A user from Pakistan says the name Linta is of Arabic origin and means “From Quranic Verse of Surah Al-Imran(The Family of Imran) Verse:159. Translate as “It is part of the Mercy Of God that thou dost deal Gently with them”. The Word Gently – is actualy the Quranic Word Lynta or Linta.”.
    According to a user from New Jersey, U.S., the name Linta is of Arabic origin and means “Soft-hearted”.
    A submission from Illinois, U.S. says the name Linta means “Generous” and is of Arabic origin.

  6. on Thursday 17th of June 2021 10:41:12 PM

    Linta is of arabic origin as it’s mentioned directly in the quran. People claim it’s from Indian origin. First get your facts straight and read the quran.

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