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Assalamu aalikum. I want to name my son after one of the doors of Jannah called Bāb al-Rayyān. I was thinking about arayyan or can I name him rayyan and is it still have the same meaning as Bāb al-Rayyān. Can you help me with this please. Thank you.


This is an official answer by Staff

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Yes, you can use Rayyan and it will still refer to the door of Paradise. Bāb al-Rayyān means "The Door of Rayyan", so the actual name is RayyanBab just means "door", and the al- is just a definite article (like "the" in English) that can be removed.

You can see the details of Rayyan here: Rayyan

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Sunday 29th of May 2016 08:51:37 PM

    I have a niece called rayaan who was named after the gate in jannah and I was wondering,can a girl be called Rayaan?

  2. on Saturday 14th of April 2018 09:47:37 AM

    Rayan or Rayyan???? Door of paradise correct name?
    And tell me its urdu plz

  3. on Friday 8th of October 2021 10:19:42 AM

    Rayan or Rayyan
    Door of paradise correct name please

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Categories: Baby Name Question and Answer
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