Name meaning?

Home Forums Question and Answer Name meaning?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Athira 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #119674 Reply


    I want to know the acurate meaning of my name (Radin) – surname and also my full name (Raihanul Kabir) meaning in arabic?? 🙂

  • #119757 Reply

    Unfortunately we have no exact information on Radin. If you read it as Raadin, it may be derived from the Arabic word radana which means “to spin”, thus Raadin would mean “one who spins yarn using a spindle”. If you read the name as Radeen, the name may mean “spun yarn”.

  • #119857 Reply

    Raen girl

    AOA i m Muslim can i used maybaby girl name Raen.

  • #119873 Reply


    Salaam, I would like to know the meaning of Khaila

  • #119934 Reply

    Unfortunately we have no information on Raen or Khaila.

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