meaning of deenah, afiza and manha

Home Forums Question and Answer meaning of deenah, afiza and manha

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Afiza 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #120591 Reply

    shaz sk

    Plz provide me authentic Arabic meanings of these 3 girl names: deenah, afiza, and manha.
    I would like to know their meanings, whether they are Arabic words, and if they are suitable for keeping as names for a girl. Also plz mention if any of them are mentioned in Quran or belong to our Islamic personalities of the past like prophets, their wives or sahabas. Jazakallaah khair.

  • #121276 Reply



    My name is Afiza, and the meaning of this name is one who (female) memorises the quran in whole.
    Inshallah the name you choose has a good meaning.

  • #125526 Reply



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