i want keep my girl name

Home Forums Question and Answer i want keep my girl name

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  shafik 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #119979 Reply

    Manzur Ahmad

    I have a daughter 4days old iwant to keep her name Azeen-al-muntaza Manzoor is it right name for her

  • #120148 Reply

    Can you please tell us where you have heard the name Muntaza and what you think it means?

  • #120304 Reply


    My name is Azeen and here on the site you can see it listed as a variant from the name Adeen which means rightious.
    You can also see it listed as a Persian girl name meaning adornment.
    In Dutch spelled as Asien, it means pine tree, and spear.

    I have no heard of the name Muntaza, but I did find sound alike boys and girls names on this site like: Muntasaf, Muntazir, Muntasirriyah. And Muntaha and Sidratul Muntaha are also on this site, and it is the name of my mother in law, who’s son is named Mansoor…I thought that was a funny coincidence to share with you.
    I will pray that your family and new daughter is happy and healty.

  • #124676 Reply


    can i keep my baby name sidratul muntahaa orni?n whts that’s meanings??

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