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Discussions | Page 68

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Published on April 6, 2014

date of birh my daughter is 15.8.2013 on thirsday morning at 6.o clock in is AANIAH ...

replies: 0

I want beautiful letest muslim boy name strarting capital s from holy quran -

replies: 0

I really like the name Aliyanah, Alyanah, Illiyanah for a baby girl. Does it have a good ...

replies: 4

Assalamualeikum , could you please give me some advice on the names Elianha and Junayd the ...

replies: 0

Dear brother, what is the meaning of a Girl Name Hanfa - حنفاء, in many websites it shows ...

replies: 1

Out of the names below which one is best for a Muslim baby girl? Ayah, Alaynah, Ayda, Laynah, ...

replies: 1

I read the name Alaynah in the Quran, what does it mean? Can you name your daughter this name?

replies: 2

Is Aliyanah or Eliyana Arabic names for girls?

replies: 1

As-salamu alaikum.Want to know about the rule of AKIKA. How to use the AKIKA meat.

replies: 1

Whats the meaning of Rifaa ( Rifah) in Islam, does this name available in quran, as i heard its ...

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Lily?

replies: 3

i blessed with beautifull girl,,is “azfara” a suitable and permissible name for girl.

replies: 0

I want to know correct spelling naeema or naeemah.Also I want to give her middle name firdaus ...

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What is the meaning of Laiyba?

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Assalamualikum, What is the meaning of “LIBAN TAJWAR” Is it quraniq name? Pls kindly ...

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What is correct form “Rashad” or “Rashdan”? Is there any grammatical difference between ...

replies: 0

What is the meaning and root of the names izyaan, izyaana, azaania and iyaana?

replies: 10

Are ‘Mursal’ and ‘Eshal’ islamic names?if yes; then what is the meaning of these words?

replies: 0

I want to know the meaning 'Ayesh'.Can I have 'Ayesh' as my daughter's name as our prophet ...

replies: 7

I have named my daugher Aleena and not sure now whether it was a good name to keep although i ...

replies: 4
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